To Follow Her Heart: Mowsley, U.K. to Southold, L.I.

A book tour to remember…

To Follow Her Hearty by Rebecca DeMarino

To Follow Her Heart

With the release of To Follow Her Heart, book #3 in The Southold Chronicles series, I was thrilled to travel to some of my favorite places (Hood River, Mowsley, Long Island!) to promote the book! On September 2nd, I joined my friend and fellow author, Jane Kirkpatrick, where we both signed our latest (Jane’s is The Road We Traveled) at Waucoma Bookstore, in Hood River, Oregon. I first met Jane when she was signing copies there of her nonfiction book,

Rebecca and Jane

Rebecca and Jane at Waucoma Bookstore

Aurora, An American Experience in Quilt, Community, and Craft. I bought three (gifts!) and I brought along my copy of A Gathering of Finches–the first novel of Jane’s I’d read, and a favorite! It has become a tradition to join each other at Waucoma since my debut novel, A Place in His Heart. She truly is a gracious friend! And now I was on to Mowsley!

On September 10th, Hubs and I flew off to England for a mini-tour! I attended the Christian Resources Together in Swanwick and signed books with author

Rebecca, Anne, and Julie at CRT, Swanwick, England

Rebecca, Anne Rogers, and Author Julie Klassen

Julie Klassen. Anne Rogers, a sales manager with Lion Hudson in England, arranged for my book signing with Julie during CRT, which is similar to the International Christian Retail Show here in the states. It was fun, inspirational (Rico Tice spoke), and we signed a lot of books (Julie signed The Painter’s Daughter)! Back in Market Harborough, I found myself in a radio interview with Harborough FM broadcaster, Richard Oliff, I felt like a Rock Star . . . I mean Book Star :o) Richard’s energy and

Rebecca and Richard Oliff

With Richard Oliff at Radio Station HFM 102.3

smooth, well-modulated voice come across on the airwaves, and if you listen carefully you’ll hear his charming smile, too, and he put me at ease with his questions and easy style. My hubby, Tom, got to join in the interview, and we thoroughly enjoyed it. I do have the tape, and once edited I will post it!

It was in Market Harborough we decided to wander the shops. and what did we find? My favorite kind of store, Christine’s Book Cabin–filled with well-

Christine's Book Cabin

Christine’s Book Cabin

loved books! It was Malcolm Noble who greeted us, and we found later that Christine is his lovely wife. Malcolm, it turned out not only loves books, but he is an author himself AND a genealogy nut – truly a person after my own heart! It is Malcolm who put us through to Richard at the radio station – Christine works at HFM 102.3 and snagged the interview for me!

St. Nicholas Church, Mowsley

St. Nicholas Church, Mowsley, England

And then it happened. I was in Mowsley, standing in the 13th century church where my ancestors, Mary and Barnabas Horton would have come to worship. Barnabas would have been baptized in the font that still stands in the church–and possibly Mary! It was the church they left as a married couple in the

Font in St. Nicholas, Mowsley

13th century Baptismal Font in St. Nicholas Church

1630’s during the Great Migration. Now, Reverend Liz Bickley had arranged for me to speak at St. Nicholas and as I stood there, ready to share my faith and writer’s journey, the lights went out and the enormity of that moment in the ancient church gripped me. Here I was, speaking by candlelight and the connection to my past took my breath and warmed my heart. I felt the Hortons had come full circle, and I was blessed to be a part of it. Liz did so much to spread the word about my author talk, and I appreciate everything she did to prepare for me!

The people we met in the village of Mowsley were warm and welcoming, the streets pristine and the homes well-cared for.  We enjoyed the hospitality of Erica H., and she left us with the key to the church so Tom and I could explore it at our own pace. The town historian, John, and his wife Vine, had us to their home (on the road to Saddington!) several times for a lovely lunch and tea, and served as our guide on a village walk.

Old Mill Stone

The Old Mill Stone, Mowsley, England

It is still a tiny village, with the same street names that date from when the Hortons owned 3/4 of the village. The mill stone that was last in use is implanted in the sidewalk on the main road. Many of the houses and buildings date from the 1700’s, including the Horton House, which belonged to a Mary Horton. Of course, Barnabas and Mary were gone by then, but she must have been a cousin :o)

Horton House

Horton House Plaque, Mowsley, England

Today, Horton House is owned by Paul H. and his lovely wife, and they graciously offered it for our use when the lights went out! If we’d been totally in the dark,we’d have taken them up on the offer!

The last of the Hortons left Mowsley over thirty years ago, but two of the residents can remember them. His name was Eddie and his daughter’s, Rosemary. Janet S. brought me a newspaper with a picture of Rosemary’s daughters, Jennifer and Anne. Roy H. told me he thought I looked like Eddie, and I believe him. I do take after the Horton side of the family!

Book Signing

Rebecca at Burton’s Bookstore, Long Island

From Mowsley, U.K. to Southold, L.I. within a week! The journey for Barnabas and Mary was much longer and arduous, so I’ll not complain here of the jet lag  :o) Southold has always held a special place in my heart. To return for a third book event and sign copies of To Follow Her Heart was wonderful, and I had a good time at Burton’s Bookstore during the Maritime Festival. Meeting the people who come through for the event is such fun, and I always enjoy

Rebecca and Gene Horton

With Gene Horton

the occasional distant Horton cousin that stops to chat. It was such a thrill to meet Gene Horton for the first time – a descendant of Barnabas and Mary through their son Jonathan! How I’ve never met him before this, I don’t know! It was John and Vine who asked if I knew him, for he’d been to Mowsley a couple of times. When I finally met Gene in Southold we had lunch at Founder’s Tavern (so appropriate!) and he gave me a tour of the Jeremiah Vail House, which dates from 1657.

So here’s to friends and family, old and new, far and near! I have more pictures and more tales of my travels, but this is long and I will divide and present them over the next few weeks. I’ve been blessed by my travels, blessed by the stories I’ve heard, and though I miss everyone, I treasure the memories.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11



Comments 6

  1. I am also a descendant of Barnabas & Mary through their son, Joshua. I am putting together a book for my family (strictly non-professional) about our ancestors and was looking for pictures of Mowsley when I came upon this web page. What a thrill it was to hear you describe the church, town and people of Mowsley. I was born and raised on Long Island and have made several trips out to Southold. Now that I know about your book, I can’t wait to read it!

    1. Post

      It is so good to hear from you, Denise! We descend through the same line from Barnabas through Joshua! We may still be very distant cousins, but I think that’s kind of fun! I love Southold and look forward to returning when travel is safe again.And I fell in love with Mowsley! I’m glad you enjoyed the post. Much luck with your family history book. My brother is in the process of writing the same for our family. Thank you for your comments, and I hope you enjoy the book!

  2. What an amazing journey. I love the stories of real people and how they faced life in their era. It touches a deeper part of us when we know that a little of their blood runs through our veins and makes us who we are. My heart just filled with praise to the Lord seeing you standing in the Mowsley church sharing your faith. I have a heart for the people of the mainstream Church of England to hear the Gospel.

    I am a genealogy buff too and have found some amazing stories in my family’s past. Love your books.

    1. Post

      That’s it, Mary Elizabeth! The knowledge that our blood, our genes have that history, that connection! Thank you! I was thrilled to visit Mowsley and so blown away by the blessing of speaking in their church! I’m so glad you’ve enjoyed my books – hope you’ll share your family stories too!

  3. So wonderful to read. Felt some goosebumps…and now I’ve got to get the third book and hope to catch up by reading the second book on my journey to Australia. There is a story in the making and to think it took 52 years for my dream to come true.

    Becky that is the scripture given to me when I left California for my first lag of my journey to fulfill the desires of my heart (Jeremiah 29:11): Oregon and Washington–to live in the places that I read about: The Oregon Trail, Lewis and Clark Expedition, etc.. Isn’t God amazing! He alone knows the time and the hour. You are so blessed and your hard work and perseverance is bearing much fruit. You are a wonderful role model.

    Congratulations to you and happy for Tom as well. What wonderful adventures you are having…



    1. Post

      Thank you so much, Elodia! It felt like a dream to be in Mowsley, and I know I was truly blessed! The Bible verse was a theme that ran through my novels, and overlapped into my life! I want to hear all about your trip to Australia and your writing! Hugs!

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