Do you love to read? Do you love inspirational historical romance? With the release of To Capture Her Heart , the second book in my Southold Chronicles series, I’m gathering a dream team of readers who would love to help me spread the word. My dream team is called the BookLits. We have some avid readers and great cheerleaders on our team and I am currently accepting new members. If you are already an influencer for me, you can be part of the BookLits as well. Be sure to send me an email as directed below!
Here are a few things that you can expect once you are a member of the BookLits:
- receive an autographed Advance Reader’s Copy of To Capture Her heart, the second book of the three book series, The Southold Chronicles.
- if you have not read. and would like a copy, I will send an autographed copy of A Place in His Heart, the first book in the Southold Chronicles.
- A welcome packet including TCHH postcards and bookmarks, two TCHH luggage tags, and a couple of surprises.
- An email with links to my book cover art and graphics, and an author pic.
- You will be the first to receive my latest book news and events
- Exclusive opportunity to participate in developing future stories & help me brainstorm titles and character names.
- FUN! We’ll have a few contests, too, just for BookLits!
Your mission, should you accept it, would be to spread the excitement of the To Capture Her Heart release. This can be done in the following ways:
- Write a review and post it on, Barnes&,,,,,, and
- If you have a blog, post a review and/or ask me for an interview. I will be having a blog tour in June that you are invited to participate in. More news on that soon!
- Prepare a list of tweetables, share them with the BookLits, then tweet! :o)
- Talk about the book on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, GoodReads or other social media sites. If you wrote a review, post your link.
- Like my Facebook Author Page and comment, like or share my posts to your friends and followers.
- Take postcards and book marks to your library and bookstores. Ask them to order copies of To Capture Her Heart.
- Gift a copy to family and friends.
- If you belong to a book club, suggest To Capture Her Heart. Let them know I’m available to book clubs for online video chats.
- Share your enthusiasm with your Bible study, prayer group, civic groups or other organizations that you belong to.
- Pin the book cover or other book graphics from my website, or those I share with you, to Pinterest.
- If you spot To Capture Her Heart at the store, take a picture and post to FB, Twitter, Instagram, or Google+ noting where you saw it. Or take a “selfie” of you and your copy of the book and post! :o)
- Write a review for your local paper.
This list is not complete and NOT EXPECTED for you to accomplish everything on it. Feel free to offer more ideas and brainstorm with our group. We want to create a buzz of excitement and the best way to do that is still word of mouth. Talk with family, friends and coworkers and send messages to your online followers and friends. Recommend it to those you think would enjoy and be blessed by it. And if you receive my book and find it’s not your cup of tea? That is okay :o) Not all books are for all readers. Here are my suggestions: Remember what your mother taught you? If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all. Remember your mission is to support the debut and if you feel you can’t, consider donating the book to your church, hospital or public library. Or give it to a friend you think might enjoy it. Pay it forward :o)
So what do you need to do to join the BookLits? Three quick things:
- Subscribe to my blog in the upper right hand column.
- Email me at In your email, let me know that you can post a short review on one of the review sites (Amazon, etc) listed in the first bullet point. Then tell me two additional
things that you could do to help me spread the word, either from my list or your own suggestions. Include your address so that I can send a signed copy of To Capture Her Heart and your welcome packet. Include your social media platform user names (or url links). This helps me keep track of traffic on each platform and how to be more efficient.
- We meet mainly on Facebook in a private group setting, but it’s not required that you be on Facebook. You can still help me promote, just let me know in your email the best way for you and I to connect.
Thank you so very much for considering being a part of my dream team! The BookLits are near and dear to my heart – the team we formed with my debut release is amazing and we would love to have you join us – and I would love to have the chance to share my passion with you!
Comments 14
I would love to read your new book! I’d be honored to help you promote your new book!
Sending you an email
I love to assist writer’s launch their new books. I’ve helped with several and would enjoy being a part of your team.
Oh my goodness! Yes I would love to be part of this sweet group. I sent you an email!!
I’d love too!
dkstevensne AToutlookDoTCo M
I would love to join your team . Sent in an email .
Thank you
I would love to be a part of this team.
Rebecca, i would love and be honored to be part of your dream team. ~ blessings~
Would love to be included. This sounds awesome! Sent an email. Also, realized too late, that I didn’t proof phone typing very well, so apologizing ahead of time for typos. Thanks for offering this opportunity.
~would love to help promote your books. I read and p ass them on to our church library. Your first book is making the rounds of my Bible study ladies in their 80’s 90’s.
I would love to join! Sent you an email…
I would love to join the BookLits! An email has been sent!
I reviewed the first in the series for CBA’s R+R magazine, and I’m hoping they assign me the second in the series.
As the wife of an 11th great-grandson of Lion Gardiner, I’m really looking forward to this next book, Rebecca!
I loved the first book and have shared it with several friends. I look forward to reading the second book.