I had the good fortune to sit at the same dinner table with Sarah Sundin at the Mount Hermon Christian Writer’s Conference in Santa Cruz, CA, last March and enjoyed hearing about her journey to publication, of which Mount Hermon played a big part. Her first book, A DISTANT MELODY, came out in March of 2010, quickly followed by her second, A MEMORY BETWEEN US, in September of 2010. After attending her “Late Nite Chat” on researching a novel, I quickly picked up both at the conference bookstore. My dad is a retired Naval Aviator (my hubby is too, though not of WWII vintage!) and trained pilots during WWII down in Beeville, TX , and I was particularly drawn to the series time period. I was not disappointed! Both the romance and the rich history immediately pulled me into the story and I thoroughly enjoyed getting to know Allie Miller and Walt Novak. It was hard to put down! But if I enjoyed the first book, the second, A MEMORY BETWEEN US, completely captivated me! Ms. Sundin hit the ground running and I was eagerly swept along. The setting is England, WWII. Walt’s brother, Major Jack Novak, a B-17 pilot, meets nurse Lt. Ruth Doherty and the romance that ensues will touch your heart. I found the rich details of missions fought and life in an evacuation hospital riveting. But it is the story of two hearts kept apart by pride, guilt and fear that tugged at my heartstrings. It is a gift when a great story has a take-away and for me it was this: often it is our own perceptions and doubts that keep us from the abundant life God promises. BLUES SKIES TOMORROW, the third book in the Wings of Glory series, is due out in August and I can’t wait!
“Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.” KJV Psalms 19:14
Comments 3
This is on my TBR pile! It looks awesome!
Oh boy, I still haven’t read this one. I LOVED book one. Gotta get up to speed. Nice interview!
Thank you, Rebecca! What a lovely review. I’m so glad you enjoyed both books – and even more glad we got acquainted at Mount Hermon